Monday, December 21, 2009

quick blurb

If I find a guy attractive, nothing makes him instantly look more like a loser (in my book) than that first moment I see him pull out a cigarette or down a can of beer. No offense to anybody out there... even though I'm a college student, I still have that elementary-school mindset where we were proud supporters of "Drug Free, That's Me!" and learned all about cigarette/alcohol scenarios.


Candice said...

I must've instantly looked like a loser to you when I drank sake back then then. :'C
It's cool though, at least that means you won't screw up your lungs and kidneys like myself and many others have. Healthy lifestyle for the win!! :D

Jessica said...

but candice...your alcoholic drink of choice was sake! somehow that's just not the same as, say, Coors Lite or Bud. ;)