Wednesday, September 1, 2010

the downfalls of being a workaholic

Unfortunately, concentrating on one part of my life makes me lose touch with the rest. School is bigbigbig right now, work is a side dish, and badminton is weakly trailing behind. I really want to do well in school, so I'm pouring in my hours. For work, I think I've already reached my peak; now it's just something to break up the monotony of school whilst simultaneously filling my wallet. Badminton is something I'm very sad about. I feel like I'm losing touch with my badminton friends, and especially my skills. I'm so rusty that I can't even be considered rusty anymore, but merely downgraded. Doesn't that suck? To improve on this aspect of my life, I need to invest in more time, but that time is currently being spent on school and work. And it's hard to find people to play with when I'm this rusty; I don't want to drag any of my old partners down, but I don't want to settle with someone who can't clear/smash. I hate to be selfish, but I do want to get better. I miss my badminton friends; I feel like they're drifting away from me and they don't even realize it.

If only there were more hours in a day :(