Thursday, September 16, 2010

life update

1. school is keeping me awesomely busy! now that i'm actually starting my major classes, i'm just realizing that the fundamental art classes are so so so lenient/easy. or at least, EASIER compared. dsgd104 is such a super important class in which i must excel, because it could make me or break me for bfa graphic design (and i really want to get in!). i'm taking it so seriously that it's actually starting to impair my creativity, because i want to get it RIGHT. i even got into a design rut for dsgd99 (typo) because i'd throw out anything i made. luckily, my friends convinced me to go to the project 1 critique that the bfa students were hosting, so they could help out us undergrads. i got a lot of really important and helpful feedback, and i'm eager to hit adobe illustrator for some designing!

here's what i'm working on for 104.

live trace not permitted!

it still needs a bit more work, but this is harder than i thought it would be -___- it's hard to please my professors.
and i think i will purchase a mac :)

2. franny, alan, and eric gave me their permit for the parking garage :) now it's such a breeze to flit back and forth from home/SJSU/SJCC/work. i mean it's a pain to park in their garage because there are columns and walls all over the place and it's SUPER CRAMPED, but i think i improved my parking/driving skills hehe

3. i miss working so much :( it's like a super social vacation away from school life, because my coworkers are so crazy haha. i feel guilty working only two days a week because if i'm shift lead, then i should probably be working more. ah well jeff is okay with it... i don't have plans to quit yogurtland anytime soon because it's probably the most fun job i've had yet, but i will have to leave once i get my design internship. sigh!

4. i feel like i'm always coming to this decision. i've had to make this kind of decision more than a few times (actually every single time), and now i'll probably have to go through with the whole ordeal again. i'll give it some more time so i'll make absolutely sure i want this. i doubt i'm unsure, though. i've been thinking about this for quite a while, but the thought's always been floating at the back of my mind. don't wanna waste my time waiting around for something that's not gonna happen.

5. thinking about cutting my hair? i'm a little sick of my hair. most of the time i like the length, but othertimes i wish that it'd actually have a real style. i'm kind of over with the whole sidesweptbang+longlayers thing. i'm thinking long blunter cut with full bangs? right now i'm slowly growing out my bangs so i may wait a little bit more.

6. can't wait to donate blood :)


Candice said...

It's definitely interesting to see you more serious about design stuff, hehe. :)

You should try a short hair style! I think it would be cute~

Unknown said...

4. O_O what happened? does this person have access to your blog....

you guys can come visit this weekend if you want for shopping and photoshooting (at school and windpass). oh and you can bring me stuff. lol.

my toenail split!! >.< and both tires of the bike are flat b/c i was on terrain. sigh -_-