Sunday, September 26, 2010

a me day

My throat is still raw. Screaming at badminton didn't help at all, but today's badminton was one of the best I've had in a long time. Almost five hours of playing, with very short breaks in beween :)

I want a whole day to myself, a me day. I haven't had one of those ever since school started. I can think of a lot of ways to spend this me day.

1) Clothing alterations... and maybe even getting to make my dresses/skirts for which I've purchased materials, but haven't fashioned yet

2) A cup of Quickly at Borders, devouring new manga, in a cozy armchair :)

3) Thrifting for some lovely finds :)

4) Relaxing at home with no parents around, watching my dramas/TV shows on youtube :)

Such lazy selfish days I seek, but they sound so very enticing.


Unknown said...

hey i did ur number 2 today! except i had a cup of coffee and was reading fiction novels. wow i sound like an old dad trying to escape his family by going to a bookstore for peace and quiet. hahah.....

Candice said...

If you mean "ever since school started" as ever since you got into college then I gotta say you SERIOUSLY need to have one of those days, heh. <3