Thursday, August 6, 2009


Driving is so freeing!

Now that my mom trusts me with the car and I have insurance, I've been driving around every opportunity I can get. :) SO AWESOME. It's just so easy getting from one place to another now. Say for example I had to get myself to Great Mall. I would have to give myself about 45-60 minutes to get there, because I would have to walk to the bus, wait for the next one (and sometimes the buses are waaay off schedule) and sit on it. If I drove, it would only take me like 10 minutes after I'm out the door. So awesome.

"Training" for smashapapoopoo is really fun... I wouldn't have imagined that I would be looking forward to a tourney, but I'm glad I signed up. It's my first one! Plus it's gotten me used to feather birdies. I really hate plastic ones now... I don't know how I ever could have played with plastic in high school! I think I've mentally converted to 21-point scoring now. 15-point scoring seems odd now.

I hope we aren't sandbagging :(. I'm playing D mixed with mikeypoo and D girls doubles with Diane.


Anonymous said...

wats sandbagging?

unkn0wn said...

time to go out late! =D

Unknown said...

sandbagging my butt. =P more like other people are sandbagging on us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SERIOUSLY.