Sunday, March 8, 2009

It's 6:30 and I just hauled myself out of bed. This is the latest I've ever gotten up...ever. haha. Well, I tried getting myself out at 4:30 and 6... but I felt so nauseous that I just ran back to bed and lay there, and immediately felt much better. I still feel a little nauseous now, but as long as I don't move my head a lot, it's not too bad.

So after applying an icepack to my forehead and decreasing the amount of blankets on me, my mom stuck a thermometer in my mouth. Turns out I had a 104 fever, but she thinks that if she hadn't put on the icepack and whatnot, it would have been 105 or something. I hope my brain didn't get cooked too

I'm just worried about being able to finish my homework in time for tomorrow. My mom's off to Walgreen's to pick up a photo I need for a color assignment. and thanks to daylight savings time, a whole hour is lost.


Unknown said...

poor poor cac... get well soon! =D your finger looks gross!