Tuesday, March 24, 2009

plastic beer cups

Plastic beer cups are so incredibly tacky.

Now that my friends and I are in college, I'm seeing more and more of them attend parties where there's beer and alcohol and red beer cups. It's so trashy. I mean, I'll be on Facebook and they'll have uploaded party pictures of them or something, and there're a whole line of beer cups all behind them and cans of beer strewn around, or stacked up. Are these really the people I knew in high school? The ones that I gossiped with in high school about people drinking and doing drugs and getting suspended/expelled... and now they're doing the same thing, minus the getting expelled part? It's like, Oh, I'm in college and now I must go along with my college buddies and start drinking. I mean, no offense meant, but I find that so incredibly lame and juvenile. I know people who don't WANT to drink at first, but their friends "are all doing it" so they feel that they must, in order not to look like they're "nerds" or "wusses."


Grow a freaking set and be firm on what you want and what you don't. It's your own body; it's your own mind. Be proud of them and don't let other people undermine you just because they want you to get wasted too, or do other stupid things.

Okay, yes, I'll admit it. I'm a prude. I can't tolerate (underage) drinking, smoking, drugs, premarriage sex, extreme profanity, etc. I don't care. Call me whatever you want; this is my stance. I find it ridiculous how people my age will succumb to marijuana and drinking parties just because their friends do.

Whenever I hear that one of my friends was drinking, or I see a drunken picture of them at a classic plasticredbeercups party, I can't help but feel a twinge of disrespect for them, like a "WHAT in the world are you thinking? Are you the same person I used to know, or just following the crowd?"
In elementary school, everybody was taught to be "Drug/alcohol/whatever free, that's me!" I remember when my second grade (or third? or fourth? I forgot) class was scheduled to do a clean-up of the playground area, Carole and I found a cigarette butt in the tanbark. We ran to our teacher and pointed it out, because we thought it was a crazy-dangerous thing- someone was smoking on the playground! Then there were all those times we tied red ribbons to the fence to symbolize that we were drug-free. Crazy how much of a contrast our mindsets were, compared to now, isn't it?



Anonymous said...

OMG! i feel the same way.

i've been in college for almost a year now. i haven't been to a drinking party nor do i plan on going to one. to be honest, in high school, i couldn't wait to "grow up" and be a college student and "be cool" and go to parties and do some light drinking. but for some reason, when i actually got into college, i've developed this complete intolerance for under-aged drinkers who like to show off how much they've been partying/drinking through facebook pictures. like you, i lose so much respect for people once i hear about them drinking or see pictures of them posing with a bottle of smirnoff in their hands... or yes, those red plastic cups.

i never thought i would be so opposed to drinking, but i totally agree with you. i don't like how people post up pictures like that. it's like they want the world to know how "cool" they are for drinking. but like i said, i never thought this would happen, but after hearing certain close friends talk about how fun it was seeing their friends drunk or how many shots of whatever they had, 1. i lose respect for them and look at them completely differently 2. i try even harder to avoid drinking and becoming someone like that.

i know under-aged drinking really isn't a big deal. it's so common. i feel like most college students do it (except a few like us, i think). it just really bugs me how people think it's so cool and that it's something worth showing off.

as many have said before, alcohol doesn't even taste good. sure, it may make people feel more relaxed, but seriously... does drinking REALLY make someone "cool?"

plus... we learned in my development class that alcohol is the number 1 ager!

GO JESSICA :] i loved this post and i'm glad that SOMEBODY feels the same way i do.

i know that i'll be drinking once i'm 21... standing at bars and taking a few sips from a pretty drink... or ordering a glass of red wine to go with a meal. but for now, i will definitely avoid just sitting around and getting drunk for no reason and posting up pictures to be "cool" when it will really just make me look like an idiot.

once again, GO JESS!