Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A great day!

Can this day get any better???

I woke up at 8, rushed, and got to the bus stop at 8:35 while the bus idled there at the stop. I ran onto the bus and the familiar bus driver was like "Don't worry, you still have some time" with a nice grin. Cool. So I sat down and watched movies/mv's on my ipod the whole trip, which was surprisingly fast. I looked up and the bus was already like 5 minutes away.

Badminton was awesooome. I got there right on time and with some time to spare. Unfortunately I had just missed witnessing Trevor trip over his own feet as he did footwork. sucks. Oh well. Then we played for like practically the whole time, and won all our games :) I had no idea why I couldn't smash at all. Like, I would smash, and Carl + his partner would drive my smash back at us. Ugh. And then after our games, Trevor and I "practiced" smashing... or rather he goaded me so I could work up some anger into a nice smash that would actually get past him. He kept returning my smashes with his racket between his legs. However, with one minute left of class, I got really frustrated, screamed, and smashed with everything I had. He couldn't return it :D bwahahaha.

And then after badmin, I went to the library to meet up with my group members for the English presentation. We got a key for a study room, and went up to the third floor. We discussed coordinating the presentation until 12:30, when we went to English. The first group that presented gave us candy for answering the questions :D My chocolate fix right there. Then we went up. It was kind of daunting because the first group that had went was pretty good, so we were all a little nervous. I presented my fallacy first, then Jenny, then Tipi. I guess our presentation was good; people actually answered our questions and laughed at our Youtube clips. Cool.

But the best part! We got back our take-home essays for A Separate Peace, and I actually got....

an A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

an A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YEAH!!!!! So cool. Pathetic really, I haven't gotten an A on an real English essay/paper ever since junior year. My professor asked me if she could make copies of my essay to show the class an example (with my name blacked out, of course). That made me pretty happy. I haven't felt smart since 8th grade. So sad, I know. At last, a decent essay!

Compare. Ugh, horrible.

At 4, I went running around the track and up/down the bleachers. Hace frio, but it was alright.

It was pretty sad; I died on the first lap. I stood there dying by the fence until I got mad at myself and ran around and around and around and up/down the bleachers. Total track time: less than 45 mins. I'm sadly out of shape.

All nasty and sweaty:

The prettiest time of the day.

Geezus. In my experience, college guys are so much more forward with girls than high-school guys. Seriously. In high school, I found that most guys are really subtle and won't tell girls straight-out that they like them, unless pressured by friends or after a period of time. In college, most guys flirt easily and obviously--sometimes as soon as a girl walks past them. It's kind of funny/annoying because it's so completely shallow. I mean, it's so hard to find out if someone you meet genuinely wants to be your friend, if they are obviously flirting. I guess that's why I support the idea that a good relationship begins with a good strong base of friendship. Relationships that start right off the bat --like within a week/month of meeting the person-- generally don't make it very far.

I wish this great day would never end. Alas, it seems to be coming to a close; i've got a ton of math hw to do!!

ETA: My mom went to Costco and bought SO many goodies! Two huge boxes of Cup Noodles, a huge box of fruit snacks, and cereal! yumyumyum


Unknown said...

yay for A! i'm getting fat. lol seriously. yummmmmmy fruit snacks