Wednesday, November 5, 2008

1000 words per pic

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
10:31 PM

I have homework so I'm not even going to write out a full blog. lol. I'll just post up the pics I took over this past week. :D

1) Brand-new, plush, SPARKLING bus seat vs. peed-on, gum-blackened, sagging bus seat

Ah... a sight for sore eyes (and butts) A beautiful new seat, only sat on twice! (estimating...)

And now the sad bus seat:

I almost sat down on this seat. The pee stain is a whole lot more obvious IRL. Probably sat on over 1000 times. Time for a replacement

2) Karate hands

My hand 9 hours after class, during which we practiced punching pads. Broken blood vessels!

Danielle's crazy Halloween nails... that must have taken a LONG time to do o_o

3) Random campus pics

In the library... lol. No one even follows this rule *ahem*

A pleasantly cool and crisp fall day

4) Old messy Spanish cuaderno vs. NEW!! freshly done notes!!!



11am. That tired me out -_- two more chapters to rewrite! but it's fun...unusually so...
5) um.... no category?

wow, gas is getting a lot cheaper. That's crazy!!!

9pm. Tired in the morning, tired at night... pathetic. Whatever happened to energized high-school days with 5-6 hours of sleep??? I get 7 now and i'm more tired.

Omg, I get my Word book after only two months of waiting. -_-

looking forward to the weekend :)

Yesterday marks a celebrated day in history! I thought McCain gave a very gracious speech. For a second I wished I had voted for him instead because he was so nice in his speech. LOL. for a second.


Elaine said...

i like the second picture of you! <3