Saturday, November 22, 2008


1. I'm glad that right now, you're enjoying the life which, four years ago, you confessed to me that you always wanted.

2. Volunteering, working, running, socializing, all while studying super hard for grad school - nice, keep it up!

3. Can't wait for you to come back - it's not the same without you!

4. This won't last if we have zero to bare-minimum communication and contact.

5. What kind of friend are you if you keep being cheap/defensive/untrustworthy and spouting lies/excuses?

6. In the past, our friendship was never stable, but now it's looking up; I'm looking forward to it.

7. You're enjoying your life right now, but I'm worried about you--please don't be so reckless or you will really regret it in the future.